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WORLDWIDE lockdowns because of a global pandemic may not initially be the motivation someone needs to quit smoking.

But to be honest, it’s just as good a time as any.

You can reduce the risk to your health by kicking the habit this Stoptober!

Research shows that if you quit for 28 days, you're five times more likely to quit for good.

Stopping smoking is one of the best things you'll ever do for your health - and the health of people around you.

When you stop, you give your lungs the chance to repair and you'll be able to breathe easier.

There are lots of other benefits too - and they start almost immediately.

But of course, you have to want to do it…not give into those short sharp cravings, and not let a little boredom leave you lighting up just one more time.

If you’ve decided you want to light up for the last time, you can download a free 'Stoptober' app to your phone.

Ashtray The app allows you to:

•           track your progress

•           see how much money you're saving

•           get daily support


You can also find more of the support you need with the NHS.

Stoptober begins on October 1st, but you could make it last forever.