Your Privacy and Muir


Muir is responsible for managing the data we hold in relation to residents and employees.

We do this in accordance with the 2018 General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which you can learn more about by clicking here:

If you want to understand more about how your personal infomation is managed at Muir, feel free to click on the relevant links below.


Residents: Muir Residents Privacy Notice.docx [docx] 57KB

Staff: Muir Staff Privacy Notice.docx [docx] 51KB

Data Retention:  Data Retention Schedule - May 2024.pdf [pdf] 865KB

Board and Committees: Board Committees Privacy Notice.docx [docx] 53KB



What are cookies?

'Cookies' are small text files that store basic information allowing a website to store information, such as number of visits and remembering preferences and statistics to improve it. Cookies do not attach to your system or damage your files.

Does anyone else use cookies on the site? / Third party cookies

We may also use or allow third parties to serve cookies. For example, like many companies, we use Google Analytics to help us monitor site traffic. If we include content from other sites (like Facebook, Twitter), you may be sent cookies from these sites. We don’t control them, and you might want to check these third-party sites for more information about their cookies and how to manage them.

How can you manage cookies?

Visitors to Muir's website are provided with an opportunity to change their cookie preference settings during each new browsing session.


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