
Listed below are a few corporate publications about us including our Corporate Plan, Annual Reports and more.

Many of the publications in this section are in pdf format. You can download a pdf reader here



                  TSM 20223-24 Report cover image                                        

Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSM) 2023-24
     Muir TSM Report 2023-24.pdf[pdf] 2MB

How can you trust the data is correct?

You can find a copy of our TSM Perception Survey Summary 2023-24 here: TSM Perception Survey Summary 2023-24.pdf [pdf] 851KB


     HOS Annual Complaints and Service Report cover 

Housing Ombudsman Annual Complaints and Service Improvement Report 2023-24 -  Housing Ombudsman Annual Complaints Performance and Service Improvement Report 2024.pdf [pdf] 765KB



Housing Ombudsman Service logo Housing Ombudsman Complaints Handling Code - Muir Self- Assessment 2023-24 - Housing Ombudsman Complaints Handling Code - Muir self-assessment 2024.pdf [pdf] 462KB




    Muir ESG Report image 2023                             Muir 2022-23 Annual Report                              NRG 2022-23 Annual Report                        
      Muir ESG Report 2023                        Annual Report 2022-23                          NRG Annual Report 2022-23

ESG Report 2023 pdf.pdf [pdf] 3MB   Annual Report 2022-23.pdf[pdf] 2MB    NRG Annual Report 2022-23.pdf [pdf] 3MB  


             Financial Statements 2023
      Financial Statements 2023

Financial Statements 2023.pdf [pdf] 2MB


     Muir ESG Report 2022                                Muir Corporate Plan 2022-27                                   Muir Annual Report 2021-22         

     Muir ESG Report 2022                              Corporate Plan 2022-27                        Annual Report 2021-22

Muir ESG Report 2022.pdf [pdf] 839KB   Corporate Plan 2022-27.pdf [pdf] 3MB   Annual Report 2021-22.pdf [pdf] 1MB


          NRG Annual Report                                                  Financial Statements 2022 cover


  NRG Annual Report 2021-22                               Financial Statements 2022

NRG Annual Report 2021-22.pdf [pdf] 11MB    Financial Statements 2022.pdf [pdf] 4MB




  Annual Report 2020-21

       Muir Corporate Plan 2021-24   


      Annual Report 2020-21                           Corporate Plan 2021-24 

      Annual Report 2020-21                Corporate Plan 2021-24.pdf [pdf] 10MB   


          Financial Statements 2020-21                                             NRG Annual Report 2020-21

     Financial Statements 2021                             NRG Annual Report 2020-21 

 Financial Statements 2021.pdf [pdf] 8MB    NRG Annual Report 2020-21.pdf [pdf] 9MB




Annual Report 2019-20                                         National Residents Group Annual Report - 2019-20                                               Financial Statements 2020     

Annual Report 2019-20                             NRG Annual Report 2019-20                          Financial Statements 2020

Annual Report 2019-20.pdf [pdf] 2MB  NRG Annual Report 2019-20.pdf[pdf] 12MB  Financial Statement 2020.pdf [pdf] 2MB




Anuual Report 2018-19                  Financial Statements 2019

Annual Report 2018-19                                  Financial Statements 2018-19

Annual Report 2018-19                                    Financial Statements 2019.pdf [pdf] 5MB




  Corporate Plan 2019-21                                          Annual Report 2017-18                                      Financial Statements 2018

Corporate Plan 2019-21                                Annual Report 2017-18                            Financial Statements 2017-18

Corporate Plan 2019-21.pdf [pdf] 12MB        Annual Report 2017-18.pdf [pdf] 15MB     Financial Statements 2018.pdf [pdf] 2MB




Annual Report 2016-17                                      VfM Statements 2016-17                                          Financial Statements 2016-17

Annual Report 2016-17                            Value for Money Statement 2016-17         Financial Statements 2016-17

Annual Report 2016-17.pdf [pdf] 14MB     Value for Money 2016-17.pdf [pdf] 847KB   Financial Statements 2017.pdf [pdf] 4MB                  




Corporate Plan 2016-20                                         Annual Report 2015-16

Corporate Plan 2016-20                            Annual Report 2015-16 

Corporate Plan 2016-20.pdf [pdf] 3MB      Annual Report 2015-16.pdf [pdf] 6MB


VFM 2016                                            Financial Statements 2015-16

Value For Money Statement 2016              Financial Statements 2015-16

VFM Statement 2016.pdf [pdf] 1MB              Financial Statements 2015-16.pdf [pdf] 4MB



Corporate Plan 2014-2017


Corporate Plan 2014-2017


corporateplan2014.pdf [pdf] 4MB




Annual Report 2014-15 - Our Year


Annual Review 2015 Additional


Annual Report 2014-15 - Additional Information


Annual Report 2015 - Additional Information.pdf [pdf] 156KB



Muir Group VFM Statement 2015

Our Value for Money Statement 2015


Annual Report 2014 image


Annual Report 2013-14 - Our Year


AnnualReport2014.pdf [pdf] 160KB





Financial Statements 2015


Financial Statements 2014-2015


Financial Statements 2015.pdf [pdf] 818KB




Financial Statements 2014 image


Financial Statements 2013-2014


financialstatement2014.pdf [pdf] 855KB




Value for Money Assessment 2014


Value for Money Assessment 2014

vfm_statement_2014.pdf [pdf] 2MB




Involving and Empowering People Strategy


Involving People Strategy


Involving People Strategy.pdf [pdf] 88KB




Single Equality Scheme


Single Equality Scheme


Single Equality Scheme.pdf [pdf] 89KB




Environmental Policy Statement


Environmental Policy Statement


Muir Environmental Policy.pdf [pdf] 339KB