Our News Archive


THE feedback you gave us in #TheBigChat is helping us change our ways of working and shape the way we deliver services to you.

You’ve told as about the things that matter most to you, what we do well, and what we can do better. We listened and we’re acting on your feedback.

You may have already seen some changes happening, but here’s some of the ways we’re working to improve your customer experience with Muir – making things easier, smarter and better for everyone.


Customer Portal…

Computer We want to provide easier, smarter and better ways for you to access our services and we’re developing a new ‘My Muir’ customer portal so you can see your account online.

It’s something we’re really excited about and something you told us was important to you in #TheBigChat.

It means you’ll be able to view your rent account, report repairs, receive updates and more, all at the touch of a button.

We’re working on this right now and we look forward to making it available just as soon as it’s ready, so keep an eye out for more details about the ‘My Muir’ portal coming your way.


Reviewing our repairs service…

MPS staff We’re reviewing our repairs service after listening to your Big Chat feedback, responses to customer surveys, and what your National Residents Group (NRG) has told us.

We’re committed to making things easier, smarter, and better; and we’re working with the NRG and our Board to do exactly that.

Any changes won’t happen overnight, but we’ll keep you updated on decisions we make.

You told us in a recent survey that 66.7% of you were satisfied with our repairs service. We really want to improve on this.


Investment in homes…

MPS staff We love providing homes to be happy in, making sure they’re safe and well maintained.

Combining your Big Chat feedback with the results of our Stock Condition Survey is helping us develop a ten-year planned programme of improvements to make sure our homes are fit for the future.

We’ve already completed many fire safety actions and we’re using thermal imaging data to learn how to make homes more energy efficient and reduce energy costs.

The data we gathered is helping us understand what we need to do and where. We’re looking forward to sharing our plans with you.


Customer Communication…

Newsletter image During #TheBigChat you said you wanted to hear more from us and improve the way we listen and act on your feedback.

You’ll have started receiving newsletters from us and we still email our ‘Muir 4 You’ email magazine to residents we have email addresses for.

We also have a new Customer Communication and Engagement Partner, and a new Customer Insight Officer will be working with us soon.

This will help us improve engagement with you and ensure we’re listening and acting on your feedback even more – making sure our services are easier, smarter and better for you.


These are just some of the things we’ve been doing since #TheBigChat as we act on your feedback.

You can learn more about other things we’ve been working on by clicking here: https://www.muir.org.uk/our-latest-news/the-big-chat-how-what-you-said-is-helping-us-make-muir-of-a-difference-1768

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