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MUIR’S Stock Condition Survey is entering an exciting second phase ahead of a multi-million-pound home investment programme.

Surveyors have visited more than 80% of Muir properties as part of the Association’s Stock Condition Survey – designed to kick-start a new five-year planned programme of works to provide residents with upgraded homes.

TMuir staffhe survey, conducted by Michael Dyson Associates, is giving Muir refreshed and enhanced details about each aspect of all its homes – helping to shape an investment plan that ensures properties are fit for the future.

Not only is the programme reviewing the existing condition of key components such as bathrooms and kitchens, but it will focus on implementing new fire safety and energy efficient enhancements as part of Muir's ongoing commitment to Keeping People Safe and 'going greener' by reducing our carbon footprint.

The survey will help shape Muir’s five-year investment plan, which it hopes to publish this winter, before beginning to roll out improvements from April 2022.

Muir staff “We’re very happy with how the survey has progressed and how residents have worked with us amid challenging restrictions caused by COVID-19,” Nik Evans, Muir’s Assistant Director of Property Services (right) said.

“Surveying all of our properties is a massive undertaking and I’d like to thank residents for their support when visiting their homes.

“It’s exciting to enter the second phase of this project which will see the remaining 19% of Muir properties surveyed now that COVID-19 restrictions are easing and we encourage residents to continue working with us during this time.

“The information collected will help us to invest in the right areas, meaning their homes will remain safe places for them to live.

Muir staff “We’ll implement new fire safety measures, and concentrate on ensuring Muir homes ‘go greener’ by making them even more energy efficient too.”

Muir will work with remaining residents to ensure access and survey the condition of properties before analysing the full results of the comprehensive outcome report.

“This investment programme demonstrates our commitment to providing homes residents can be proud of,” Nik said.

“It will enhance the value and appearance of properties for residents in all of our areas – while ensuring we remain true to our Health and Safety responsibilities.”