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NEW on-screen portals are giving residents great new ways to stay in touch with friends and family at one of Muir’s Independent Living Schemes.

Muir received more than £1,700 in council funding to help residents at Tweedsmuir in Chester to enjoy the recently installed Facebook Portals – enabling them to have face-to-face contact with loved ones any time they like.

Portals The portals, provided with the help of the Cheshire West and Chester funding, mean residents can have closer contact with family despite any COVID-19 restrictions – having on-screen conversations and sharing smiles throughout their day.

“These portals are fantastic for the residents,” Muir’s Tweedsmuir scheme manager, Donna Hufton said.

“They’ve quickly become a very popular way for residents to speak with other family members and we’re delighted to have received funding from the council to make it happen.

Muir resident “Residents at Tweedsmuir have seen less of each other, and friends and family, during COVID-19, so this is a great way for them to connect and it’s quite exciting to see the joy the portals are bringing.”

Residents can use the portals to speak with friends or family via Facebook or Whatsapp – using them both in communal areas, as well as in the privacy of their own apartments.

Tweedsmuir resident, Tom Lingard said: “They’re very easy to use and it gives us all more ways to connect with each other.”