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SOME of Muir’s Tenancy Services Officers have been busy providing some helpful Christmas hampers to residents to support them through the festive season.

Officers braved the icy conditions to visit older residents on Montrose Close in Warrington and Arran Close in Crewe.

Muir residentsThey delivered some special Muir gift bags to help ensure residents enjoy a merry Christmas, along with some vouchers to help them cut costs as the cold spell began to bite.

“It was wonderful to be able to provide a bit of extra Christmas cheer to some of our Muir residents,” Emma Robinson, Muir’s Housing Services manager said.

“We know rising prices might have made the cost of Christmas more difficult for some.

Muir staff“Our housing teams enjoyed visiting residents to help them at a time they might need it most.

“But don’t forget, our Tenancy Sustainment team are also available to help support residents all year round.”

Muir residents in the East region have also been helped by funding from the CLAS Cambridgeshire Local Assistance Scheme, which had been secured by the Association to help those in need.

It has helped to provide white goods, furniture, decorating vouchers and more to ensure residents can enjoy the festive season with family and friends.

Muir residentsTenancy Sustainment Officers have also been busy supporting residents to claim benefits they may be entitled to, including Universal Credit and Personal Independence Payments.

Sophie Powter, Muir’s Tenancy Sustainment Officer in the East (pictured below) said: “Obtaining the funding has meant we’ve been able to support residents with a great deal on the cusp of Christmas.

“Knowing we could provide a new bed and mattress to ensure one father could have his children stay with him during Christmas, and what that means, was incredibly rewarding.

Muir resident“Helping another family obtain benefits they didn’t know they could receive has been a great help to them.

“We’re delighted to help some of our vulnerable residents enjoy a merry Christmas.”


Muir staff Muir resident To access Muir’s free tenancy support and see how it could help you, visit www.muir.org.uk/tenancy-support