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Universal Credit - Muir can help you make the change here!

SIGNING up to the new monthly Universal Credit benefit is very important.

If you’ve heard from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) about moving to Universal Credit, or if you have a change in circumstances, it’s important that YOU make the claim.

Muir Group Housing Association’s bitesize guide (below) can help!

Claims can only be made online. If you don’t claim your benefits may stop, leaving you unable to pay your rent and bills.

The new Universal Credit system will replace six current benefits, and is available to people out of work or to people on low incomes.

UC Matters


Bitesize Guide to claiming Universal Credit:

It can take up to six weeks to receive a payment from your initial Universal Credit claim.

You may decide you need an Advance Payment Loan to help you through that period.

Everything is explained below.

To make a claim you will need:

  • Access to a computer and internet - Claims for UC can only be made online
  • An email address - To register and receive updates about your claim
  • Verification - Who you are and where you live
  • A bank account or Credit Union account - For you to receive your monthly payments
  • Details of your household members - You need to know their dates of birth

See if you're ready to make your claim by clicking here

UC checklist


Making a claim, step by step

Step 1:  Make a claim online for UC here: gov.uk/apply-universal-credit

Step 2 :  Verify yourself in the job centre or do it here

Step 3 :  Apply for an advanced payment loan (half your first personal element)


You can follow the DWP's own step-by-step video guide here

If you’re struggling to get things done, Muir’s Money Advice Team can help.

You can call them on 0300 123 1222.

More information about Universal Credit is available here