Page 8 - PDF Annual Report 2017 -2018
P. 8



        ON ASSETS

        Investing in the future of our residents is just as

        important as believing in our own.

        That’s why Muir continually looks to improve the living

        conditions in people’s homes, to make sure they reach a

        good standard for all of us.

        We always strive to provide suitable ac-
        commodation and keep residents happy.

                                                               doors, windows, facias and guttering to
                                                               200 homes, and 115 hot water cylinders.
                                                               Muir spent almost £3.7million on respon-

                                                               sive repairs, visiting residents when they
        Muir invested more than £5.1million on                 needed us to address issues that arose.
        Major Works in 2016-17, and a further                  #responsive
        £816,000 on Planned Maintenance.
        #dynamic                                               To ensure a change in circumstanc-
                                                               es didn’t leave residents looking else-
        As a result of this, we installed 140 new              where for accommodation, we invested
        kitchens, 95 new bathrooms, and fitted                 £124,000 in Aids and Adaptations so they
        144 new boilers.                                       could remain comfortable and confident
                                                               in their homes. #inclusive
        We decorated 876 properties, fitted new

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