Scrutiny Panel Update

Your Resident Scrutiny Panel needs you!  Are you a Tenant who wants to make a difference?

The Scrutiny Panel meets every month and its role is to complete in depth reviews of the services provided by Muir to you.


Our Scrutiny Panel is made up of a group of residents who are representative of all our Muir Customers including tenants; leaseholders and home owners. Whilst the Scrutiny Panel is currently represented by individuals from our sheltered housing schemes, leasehold and home ownership groups, we are now looking for someone to represent the interests of our general let residents.


This is an exciting opportunity to get more involved in the work of Muir and to join a team who have made a real difference to the services Muir provide. So far the panel have identified important improvements to the way your responsive repairs service is delivered, how grounds maintenance contracts work in your area and most recently reviewed how service charges are applied and administered.

The panel is currently reviewing the way in which we deliver adaptations to the home of those tenants who require additional support.  This may include minor works – like a grab rail or something more major such as ramps to improve access to their homes or level access showers to improve their quality of life.

Muir offer lots of support to the panel and make sure the right training and guidance is available for them to successfully deliver their review work. Some panel members have even gone on to complete nationally recognised training courses.


If you are interested in this role then in the first instance please contact Jan Lycett from the Service Improvement Team on for more details. 



Muir Customer Annual Satisfaction Survey

In the last few weeks we have been inviting you to complete the annual satisfaction survey. Can we say a massive THANK YOU if you have taken the time to send us your opinions about the services we deliver to you.  It is really important that we find out what you think so that we can improve the services we offer.

We will now be looking at what you said and identifying ways in which we can change the service to better meet your needs.

We’ll be feeding back on the results and what we’ll be doing differently in a future edition of VOICE.

So thank you again for your involvement!