Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSM)

TSM report 2023-24 image

LEARN how we’re performing based on your feedback in the 2023-24 Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) report.

The report tells us most customers are satisfied with our overall service, you feel your home is safe and that you’re treated with fairness and respect.

We know we’ve some work to do enhancing our repairs service, maintaining communal areas and how we handle complaints.

The report says what we’re doing to improve:  Muir TSM Report 2023-24.pdf [pdf] 2MB


Why’s the report important?

Launched by the Regulator of Social Housing, the TSMs provide customers with an overall view of how social landlords perform - giving you a greater voice and ensuring you receive decent and safe, quality homes and services.

The TSMs cover 22 areas – with ratings provided by you, our customers.


How can you trust the data is correct?

You can find a copy of our TSM Perception Survey Summary 2023-24 here: TSM Perception Survey Summary 2023-24.pdf [pdf] 851KB

It explains how we've followed Regulator of Social Housing (RSH) guidlines and used internal audit and data specialists, Housemark, to check our results.

You can find a copy of the questionnaire used to generate the survey responses here:  TSM Survey Sample Full Survey 23-24.pdf [pdf] 3MB



You can see how we performed in our 2022-23 TSM Report by clicking here.

A PDF of our 2022/23 TSM report can be downloaded here:  TSM Reporting 2022/23.pdf [pdf] 188KB