Meet our Board Members

Muir Group is governed by a Board who safeguard our viability, long-term success and growth in accordance with the law, the constitution, regulatory standards and good practice.

The Board is made up of independent members who attend regular meetings throughout the year. They work with Muir’s National Residents Group (NRG) and other stakeholders to achieve positive outcomes.

Our Board members combine expertise and experience in several different areas, including finance, regeneration, legal, housing, welfare and local communities.

The Board is responsible for by providing insight, direction and constructive challenge, embedding a positive culture with a strong customer focus.

The Board’s purpose is to set Muir’s strategic direction in line with our vision, mission and values.


 Muir Board member       Muir Board member      Muir Board member

                    Debbie Griffiths                                              Tony Okotie                                                   Philip Ingle
                            Chair                                                       Deputy Chair &                    Chair of Group Audit & Risk Committee
                                                                                  Senior Independent Director
                                                                     Chair of Group Customer Services Committee

 Muir Board member      Muir Board member       Muir Board member

                         Pam Williams                                           Peter McHugh                                              Aisha Butera
                 Chair of Group People                Chair of Muir Property Solutions Ltd
             & Governance Committee


    Muir Board member      Muir Board member     Muir Board member
                       David Gilburt                                                   Dave Shaw                                               Lubna Taj Malik
                                                                                        Independent Co-optee                                         



Muir Board Member        Muir Board member      Muir Board Member                                 Judy Noah                                             Helen Wordsworth                                            Chris Morris
                                                                     Board Member Responsible for Complaints    


Muir Board member

                   Catherine Dixson