Resident involvement
Help us make your home and community a great place to live!
We want Muir residents to know your voice matters, ensuring you feel empowered and know we listen to your feedback and take it seriously.
We've developed the following opportunities to ensure residents can influence Muir at every level and in a variety of ways. Many are listed below, or you can click here to learn more: Resident Involvement Framework 2024.pdf [pdf] 289KB
Our aim is to work in partnership with you to make positive improvements that shape the way we deliver our services for the benefit of Muir communities.
We support residents to get involved, to gain confidence, develop skills and feel fulfilled.
The benefits of getting involved with Muir include:
- Gaining new skills and knowledge
- Access training courses
- Enhance your CV
- Meet new people
- Boost your confidence
- Play a part in improving services Muir provides
High level of involvement:
- Muir Group Board member
Service improvement:
- Join Muir's National Residents Group
- Join our Muir Connects group on Facebook
- Take part in service testing
- Take part in scheme inspections and forums
- Join a local residents association
Tell us how we're doing:
- Make a suggestion, complaint, or compliment
- Give us feedback about our services via the post, email, or through our social media sites
- Attend one of our focus groups, consultation stations, or open days
- Attend one of our community events
- Complete surveys or questionnaires, or take part in telephone surveys
Help create communities:
- Join a community group
- Be a good neighbour
- Become a volunteer for a local activity or support network
To learn more about the National Residents Group, click here, or learn more about any of the above here: Resident Involvement Framework.pdf [pdf] 43KB
You can also contact us on 0300 123 1222 for more details and to register your interest.
The ‘Four Million Homes’ programme provides guidance and training on your rights as a resident, and how to stand up for them.
You can learn more about them and the support you can receive here: