Aids and adaptations
Muir recognises your needs may change due to illness or disability and we want to to ensure your home remains suitable for you.
What are aids and adaptations?
An aid is equipment or a device that assists the user such as bath seats, vibrating pillows linked to fire/smoke alarm systems, and toilet seats and frames.
Generally, aids are not linked to the property, so would not ordinarily be provided by Muir. You can get help and advice regarding these items through your GP, hospital or other health services, or social services.
An adaptation is a fixed piece of equipment or alteration to a property that enables people to live more independently and comfortably in their home. Fixed Adaptations are split into two categories defined as ‘Minor’ or Major’.
What work is considered a Minor Adaptation?
Minor Adaptations are classed as items of work costing less than £1,000 that provide low level assistance.
Muir carry out minor adaptations without the requirement for further assessment in circumstances where the solution is simple and straightforward, such as the installation of lever taps or grab rails.
If your circumstances are more complex, such as the need for a ramp or access arrangement, you may require an assessment with an Occupational Therapist or Social Care Assessor.
Typical Minor Adaptations include:
- Lever taps
- Grab rails
- Half step
- Mop stick rails
- Drop down handrails
What is a Major Adaptation?
Any adaptation work that exceeds £1,000 will require an assessment via an Occupational Therapist or Social Care Assessor. For further information please contact your local council or GP for a referral.
Typical Major Adaptations include:
- Straight stair lifts
- Over bath showers
- Level access showers
- Ramps
- Hoists
There are some situations when Muir is unable to approve permission for major adaptation work, these include:
- Adaptions to communal areas as these may cause an obstruction to other residents
- Adaptations to shared ownership properties
- Where the structure/layout of the property may not allow for adaptations to be carried out
- Where the adaptation might affect the future letting of a property - such as a level access shower in a family house.
In circumstances where Muir are unable to adapt a property, advice and support will be provided to the resident to help them find a suitable home which meets their needs.
For further information visit the Aids and Adaptations Factsheet or contact your Tenancy Service Officer on 0300 123 1222.