Hate Crime


We won’t tolerate behaviour that harms others, particularly when any individual or group suffers abuse based on their:

  • Race, colour, ethnic origin, nationality or national origin
  • Religion
  • Gender identify
  • Sexual orientation
  • Marital or civil partnership status
  • Disability

Anyone can be a victim of a hate crime. Hate crimes can take many forms – including physical and verbal abuse, damage to your property or online bullying. Hate crimes not only cause distress to the victim - it can also have a detrimental effect on their family, friends and the wider community as well.


How Muir can help

If you've been affected by hate crime, then let us help you. We will offer you support and help you decide what to do next.

Within 24 hours of us receiving a report regarding a hate crime, you will be contacted by an officer who will arrange a home visit, or you can request to meet at a location of your choice.


At the visit we will:

  • Treat you with respect, listen to what you have to say and gather as much supporting information from you as we can.
  • Make you aware of all the available options which include:
    •  Referral to support agencies including Victim Support and police
    • Contacting witnesses and gathering further evidence
    • Taking action against the perpetrator
    • Temporary or permanent re-housing in exceptional circumstances.


Upon agreeing a course of action with you, we will:

  • Keep you updated
  • Review the case
  • Only make contact with witnesses, other residents in the area and or the alleged perpetrator with your consent
  • With your consent, we will liaise with other organistions that are already involved or could help.


Alternatively you may want to report a hate crime/incident to the police by:

  • Telephoning 999 - emergencies only
  • Telephoning 101 - non emergencies

Or by contacting your local policing unit online at www.report-it.org.uk/your_police_force