Muir has a responsibility to regularly carry out basic safety checks to ensure electrical installations and appliances work safely.
Landlords are required by law to ensure that the electrical installation in a rented home is safe when a resident moves in.
Muir will also conduct a periodic electrical inspection in your home every five years.
The inspection for Electrical Installation Condition Report will cover consumer units (fuse boards), protective bonding, lighting, switches, sockets etc.
Periodic inspection and testing is necessary because all electrical installations can deteriorate due to factors such as damage, general wear and tear, corrosion, excessive electrical loading, ageing and environmental influences.
We will write to you with an appointment before carrying out an electrical inspection at your home.
It is very important you allow us access so we can identify any potential risk to you and your family.
Not allowing us access after we've made three attempts could result in a court order allowing us to access your home.
You should never try to carry out your own electrical repairs.
More advice is available from www.electricalsafetyfirst.org.uk
This simple socket calculator can help you ensure you don't overlad electrical sockets in your home: www.electricalsafetyfirst.org.uk/guidance/safety-around-the-home/overloading-sockets/