Damp and Mould

IT'S important to report issues of damp and mould in your home to us so we can tackle it with you and help keep you safe.

Damp and mould can harm your health, producing allergens, irritants, mould spores and other toxins. Even if visible mould isn't present, dampness alone can increase the risk of health problems.

The more serious the damp and mould problem and the longer it's left untreated, the worse the health impacts and risks are likely to be.

The respiratory effects of damp and mould can trigger existing health conditions, cause serious illness and, in the most severe cases, death.

MouldThose more at risk from mould include the elderly, children and babies, as well as people with existing respiratory illnesses and some skin problems.


What does mould look like?

Mould is a microscopic fungus that grows in damp places.

Signs of mould at home include fuzzy black, white or green patches on the walls, and a damp and musty smell.



How can I reduce the risk of damp and mould appearing in my home?

There are many things you can do to reduce condensation in your home, which can lead to damp and mould appearing in your home.

See how you can reduce Damp, Mould and Condensation in your home here


What happens when I report a damp and mould issue?


When reporting a damp and mould issue over the phone, we'll ask questions to identify the most appropriate action and may ask you to send pictures of the problem to us.

If you report a damp and mould issue via our website or on social media, please attach pictures to help us speed up the process and respond appropriately.

Always tell us if anyone in your home suffers with health or vulnerability issues when reporting a damp and mould issue.

One of our team will call you to discuss your repair and they may also book an inspection.

We'll agree an action plan with you which may include a visit from a specialist ventilation contractor. A survey will help identify areas for improvement with additional or upgraded equipment to reduce the issue.

We'll provide you with any guidance needed about the installation and use of specialist equipment. 


Visit our Resident Factsheets to learn more about how we deal with damp and mould in your home and how you can help reduce it, as well as other topics, here: www.muir.org.uk/factsheets